Evening Yoga with Mandakini - LIVE via Zoom
All our Yoga classes are now offered online via Zoom
Classes are offered in blocks of 6 or 8 weeks to allow you to gradually get stronger.
We work on various area of the body including: Lower Back, Neck and Shoulders, Digestion or Seasonal Yoga.
These classes cater for all levels and variations offered based on your need. Care is taken to accommodate each participant's abilities.
Our students report they have their best sleep after our evening yoga classes.
Next Evening Yoga Block:
Thursday 6:30 PM
6th May- 24th June,
NO CLASS 20th May
Investment: $ 138 ( $119 by 4th May)
Payment details:
BSB: 114-879,
Acc #: 421-158-236,
Acc name: Dynamic Wellness
"I would highly recommend this program -even for those with little yoga experience. Since the start of the course, I have noticed a reduction in my back pain and I look forward to increasing the strength in my back and stomach" Maryse, IT Project Mgr, 52
"Ryoho yoga. A unique style of yoga, after only a few classes you will feel a difference. With precise instruction and clear diet information. You will be amazed at the results you can achieve" Ginny Bain